Does Human Resources Management drive profits in business? HR done right, will drive profits in your business. The purpose of Human Resources Management in business is to drive profits. Do you remember when HR departments where more like police departments? Scary huh?...
How culture drives business success The Culture of a business can impact business success. By the nature of the way everyone in the organisation behaves and the values they portray. Culture means different things in different contexts. It’s, the way a group of...
Does bias cloud performance management in your work place? Bias Performance Management is too easy to do: Bias is also known as our perception (or point of view). It is part of who we are and how we form different opinions and views on things. However, it can also...
The Sydney Train Strikes. From a Human Resources Consultants view. How the Sydney Train Strike situation occurred. Requires a look at some of the background issues leading up to this event. What are the Sydney Train Strikes about? As Sydney commuters and business...
Setting the wrong Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) is a waste of time. They demotivate employees; which is the opposite of the desired effect. KPI’s that only produce statistical information and trends are a waste of time. This view on performance is too...
Communicate with Emotional Intelligence for business improvement How does emotional intelligence work in communication? See: “Working with Emotional Intelligence” by Daniel Goleman Definition of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) or (EI) Emotional Intelligence (EQ or EI) is...