Company Policies and Procedures.
Get your complete, up-to-date, set of company policies and procedures. In this HR Manual. It is customisable to your business. With every important company policy in it. Updated each year. So your business and your team are protected from risks.
I call it the soup to nuts of company polices.
Human Resources Policy and Procedure (HR Manual) Manual Contents:
- Welcome
- Our company history
- Our organisation chart
- What we do
- Our clients
- Our mission, vision and values
- Your employment
- Business environment
- Code of Conduct
- Dress code
- IT, Internet, Mobile Phone, Email and Social Media
- Recruitment
- Induction
- Training and development
- Probation
- Work/Occupation Health and Safety
- Anti-Discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity (AD&EEO) including bullying and harassment
- Timesheet, hours and invoice policy
- Pregnancy at work
- Flexible working arrangements
- Working from home, including work health and safety
- Global Disasters, Pandemics leave
- Leave
- Performance management
- Performance improvement
- Grievance complaints handling
- Conflict of interest
- Intellectual property and security
- Company property
- Environmental best practice
- Whistle-blower
- Signed declaration
Select from the above list or get the complete HR manual. Updated every year. Or get your complete HR Manual with a full set of company policies and procedures.
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